Welcome to the 2024 International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering & Environment (TIME-E 2024), to be held on 07-09 August 2024, at Aston Kuta Hotel & Residence-Bali – Indonesia. The conference is organized by the IEEE Indonesia Instrumentation and Measurement & Information Theory Joint Societies Chapter and Vehicular Technology & Intelligent Transportation System Joint Societies Chapter. The conference is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research result in varied disciplines and their associated applications in all aspects of Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment that consider on the improvement and the development for quality of human life and better living on earth. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be invited sessions, panel sessions and keynote addresses. The aim of the conference is to stimulate interaction and convergent among researchers active in the areas of Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment. The topics of interest include, within the scope of IEEE, but are not limited to:
Track: Technology
Aerospace Technology; Energy
Technology; Engineering Materials; Nanotechnology; Process Technology;
Resource-Based Technology; Water Technology; Environment Technology; Bio and
Nature inspired Technology; Vehicular Technology; Industrial Technology;
Communication Technology; Multimedia Technology; Mobile Technology;
Transportation Technology; Unmanned Systems; Geographical Information Systems
Track: Informatics
Machine Learning and Data Mining;
Classification and Clustering; Multi-resolution Techniques; Information
Retrieval; Artificial Neural Networks; Knowledge based Networks; Fuzzy Systems
and Applications; Evolutionary Algorithms Genetic Algorithm; Evolution
Strategies; Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Programming; Computer Vision
and Image Analysis; Intelligent Image, Signal, and Speech Processing;
Information Systems; Mobile Computing; Multimedia Applications; Natural
Languages Processing; Parallel and Distributed Computing; Performance
Evaluation; Programming Languages; Re-Configurable Computational Systems;
Security & Cryptography; Software Engineering & CASE; Algorithms;
Computational Intelligence; Automated Software Engineering; Bioinformatics;
Architecture and Embedded Systems; Computer Games; Graphics & Virtual
Reality; Computer Modeling; Computer Networks and Security; Computer Vision;
Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing; Computing Ethics; Data Communications,
Compression and Encryption; Data Mining; Databases; Digital Library; Signal and
Image Processing; Distributed Systems; Event Driven Programming; Expert
Systems; High Performance Computing; Theoretical Computer Science; User
Interface; Dilution of Organizational Boundaries; The Centrality of Information
Systems (IS); and IT in Organizational Processes; Innovation and IS; Enterprise
Application Integration; Enterprise Resource Planning; Business Process Change;
Iterative and Incremental Methodologies; Agile Methodologies; IS Design and
Development as a Component-Based Process; IS Design and Development as Social Negotiation
Process; IS Design and Development as a Global and Distributed Process;
E-Learning and Teaching.
Track: Management
Information System (IS) Management; Innovation and Knowledge Management; IS and Change Management; IS and Organization Development; Project Management Information Systems; Information Technology Project Management; Software Quality Management and Assurance; IT Risk Management; AI-based R&D Management; Technology Forecasting and Road-Maps; Integration of Business and Technology Strategy; Technology Adoption, Negotiation, Absorption, and Standardization; R&D and Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprise; Technology, Society, and Social Change; Role of Technology in Development; Technology Management in Developing Countries; Technologies for Social Goods; Technology and Sustainability; Engineering Management and Climate Change; Intellectual Capital, HRM, and Organizational Development; ICT for Technology Management; Logistics and Supply Chain Management; ICT for Emerging Technologies; ICT for Industrial Capability Building; ICT in Banking; Railways and Infrastructure.
Track: Engineering
Advancement of Knowledge Engineering
Science; Agricultural Engineering; Automotive Engineering; Bio-Medical
Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Communication
Engineering; Computer Engineering; Control System Engineering; Electrical and
Electronic Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Food Engineering; Geomatic
Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Interdisciplinary
Engineering; Marine Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Mining and Mineral
Processing Engineering; Space Science and Space Engineering; Information,
Computer, and Communication Technology (ICT); Advancement of ICT Knowledge;
Artificial Intelligence; Communication; Computation Theory and Mathematics
Data; Database Technology; Educational Technology; Emergent Information
Technology; ICT Applications; ICT Infrastructure; ICT Police and Social Impact;
Information Systems; Multimedia Security Systems; Signal Processing; Software;
Software Engineering and Web Technology.
Track: Environment
Earth Science and Technology; Economic Geology & Geological Engineering; Geophysics & Monitoring Systems; Underground Water Resources; Environment Geology & Rehabilitation; Development & Production of Mineral Resources; Production of Energy Resources; Numerical Simulation of Resources & Environment; Mechanized, Automation, & Intelligent Mining; Land-use and Water Resources; Geo-mechanics & Rock Mechanics; Landfill Waste Management, Environment Earth Science; Climate Change and Global Warming; Mineral Processing; Waste Management & Recycling; Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering; GIS Applications; Earthquake and Structural Engineering; Earthquake and Seismic Engineering; Sustainability of Resources & Environment; Global Environment Protection Technology; Earth Resources Engineering; Application in Earth Sciences and Engineering; Intelligent Energy Management; Energy-Aware High Performance Computing and Applications; Energy-Aware Virtualization; Energy-Aware Large Scale Distributed Systems; Energy-Aware Network Equipment and Applications; Energy-Efficient Mass Data Storage and Processing; Energy-Aware Run Time and Middle-ware; Energy-Efficient Scheduling and Resource Allocation; Energy-Efficient Grid, Cloud, and Data Center Technology; Energy Efficiency and Virtualization; Energy, Performance, Quality of Service and Other Resource Trade-Offs; Energy-Efficient Architectures; Energy Saving Architectures; Future Energy-Efficient Architectures; Green Computing in Data Centers, Embedded Systems and Supply Chains; Energy-Aware Algorithms and Application Formulations; Energy-Efficient Application Design; Sustainable Energy; Low-Radiation in Wireless Devices and E-Waste; Audit and Conservation; Grid Management; HVDC Technology.